to pay dividends

to pay dividendsto pay dividends
  1. Ability to pay dividends and meet obligations


  2. A company might use some of its earnings to pay dividends as a reward to shareholders .


  3. They are required as part of their structure to pay dividends to investors , which attract those seeking yield .


  4. Banks within the buffer zone will face restrictions on their ability to pay dividends and discretionary bonuses .


  5. In China , the way for the listed company to pay dividends includes cash dividends and non-cash dividends .


  6. If you want a Web presence fast , Drupal is a worthwhile option sure to pay dividends on your investment .


  7. The business trust structure allows Hutchison to pay dividends from the cash flow of the listed entity rather than from retained profits .


  8. It can ask the companies it notionally owns to pay dividends instead of keeping all the profits for themselves .


  9. He expanded a youth and scouting programme began under Birrell , a move that was to pay dividends for future managers .


  10. The three gorges project will begin to pay dividends this year , playing an important role in flood control , power generation , navigation , water diversion and environmental protection .


  11. The percentage burning through cash - 13 per cent - is also at a three-year peak , while a fifth are borrowing to pay dividends .


  12. But funds requiring investments to pay dividends will not find this stock attractive as their dividends and yield are significantly lower than their peers in the industry .


  13. Generally speaking , to pay dividends falls into the company autonomy range , and the company will make the decision on whether or not to pay dividends and how .


  14. In the medium-long run , the report predicts that developing countries could nearly double their1990s growth rate as their investments in structural reforms begin to pay dividends .


  15. Has not revealed its IPO size and price range in the prospectus , saying that financed capitals will be used to pay dividends to preferred shareholders and for general purpose .


  16. China has announced the long-awaited launch of a programme requiring state companies to pay dividends , a big policy reform aimed at cutting reinvestment of profits by many cashed-up government enterprises .


  17. Second , since the majority of corporate free cash flow is used for expansion and not to pay dividends , some of these capital expenditures are probably misallocated , particularly by companies in decline .


  18. They are a key part of a capital structure but , in a crisis , can feel more debt-like ; they do not absorb losses , and failure to pay dividends may compound a crisis of confidence .


  19. Another one is to not pay dividends .


  20. With the good cash flow coming in , we are able to pay good dividends .


  21. After its recent losses , the company intends to pay reduced dividends next month .


  22. t they want , I believe over time it 's going to pay big dividends for us . "


  23. Meanwhile , private equity-backed companies are borrowing at a record rate this year to pay special dividends to owners .


  24. Companies looking to pay out dividends early or do deals ahead of the planned tax increases borrowed money to do so .


  25. For a company to pay good dividends , it must have sufficient profit to be able to pay and it must be willing to pay .


  26. Like other new companies , Freewaves has tended to pay low dividends to investors , preferring to re-invest profits in research and development .


  27. Apple is tussling with investors over whether to pay more dividends , while Google rallies merrily on .


  28. Will businesses in20 years'time be producing enough income to pay the dividends and bond interest to pay baby-boomers their private-sector pensions ?


  29. The energy-conservation strategy we have been pursuing for many years is starting to pay big dividends at a time when there are competing priorities for limited state resources .


  30. For those of us who are now in a healthy weight range , increasing our physical activity by even the smallest bit has also been shown to pay huge dividends .
